RCB Fined Rs 1.7m For Selling Substandard Food Items

RCB fined Rs 1.7m for selling substandard food items

Find Control Cell of Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) here on Friday conducted random raids to check the quality of soft drinks being sold in the cantonment areas

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Jun, 2024) Find Control Cell of Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) here on Friday conducted random raids to check the quality of soft drinks being sold in the cantonment areas. During the raids, two soda manufacturing factories and 57 shops were sealed for selling substandard lemon water. A number of shops were fined Rs.17.0 lakh.

According to the details, CEO RCB Syed Ali Irfan has taken serious notice of the reports regarding sale of inferior soft drinks in the cantt areas. Under his special instructions, the food control teams conducted comprehensive raids in different areas of the canntt. During the raids, samples collected from 17 lemon soda carts were also sent to the laboratory.

Under the direct supervision of Chief Public Health Officer, food inspectors and field teams raided a soda water factory in Gwalmandi, seized the equipment and unhealthy soda water, and collected the samples which were later sent for laboratory testing.

The cell raided 17 lemon soda water carts in Sadar, Bank Road and Adamji Road. The samples of the carts were also sent to the laboratory.

The spokesman of RCB informed that the Food Control Cell had sealed 57 shops in the month of June for selling unhealthy and substandard food items. A total of 17 lakh rupees fines were imposed on food points in different areas including Misrial Road and Choohr Chowk, he told.

CEO Syed Ali Irfan Rizvi instructed to use all resources for further improvement in performance, continuous checking of food points, units and factories. The business of those who violate the rules are being closed, along with fines, he said adding that cases would also be filed against them.