Shabar Zaidi For Automation Of FBR To Improve Economy

Shabar Zaidi for automation of FBR to improve economy

Former Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Shabar Zaidi on Saturday stressed the need for FBR automation to improve economy of the country

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Jun, 2024) Former Chairman Federal board of Revenue (FBR) Shabar Zaidi on Saturday stressed the need for FBR automation to improve economy of the country.

He expressed these views in a session on offshore assets of Pakistani citizens organized by the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA).

Shabar Zaidi said that the world was working through automation. He advised that FBR should be automated to put things right.

Chairperson PIIA Masooma Hasan presided over the session. Renowned businessman Zafar Shafiq also spoke on the occasion. Questions were also put up in the session.

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