08 Family Members Killed Over In Property Dispute

08 family members killed over in property dispute

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jun, 2024) Eight members of a single family, including women and children, were tragically killed and two others injured in a shooting incident in the Badaber area of Peshawar.

SSP Operations Kashif Zulfikar confirmed the incident, attributing the violence to a property dispute. The assailants reportedly entered the house and opened fire.

Police reported that four women and four children died on the spot, while the injured were transported to the hospital for treatment.

The bodies were also moved to the hospital for post-mortem examinations. Relatives of the victims have confirmed the incident and criticized the police response. They claimed that despite calling for help for an hour during the attack, no police assistance was provided, leading to the loss of precious lives.