ADC Announces Monsoon Plantation Drive To Mitigate Climate Change Impacts

ADC announces monsoon plantation drive to mitigate climate change impacts

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Jul, 2024) Additional Chief Secretary (ADC) South Punjab, Fawad Hashim Rabbani announced to hold 'a record setting plantation drive' ahead of monsoon in order to mitigate adverse effects of climate change.

Following the move, he directed Forest Secretary for Southern Punjab to develop an extensive plan for tree plantation in all districts across the region.

Talking further about enhancing the drive, Rabbani emphasized the country was facing up severe climate change impacts, adding that that could be alleviated only through increased tree plantation.

He noted with concern that the country's forest cover was alarmingly low, underlining that future of our economy and agriculture solely depended on expanding forested areas.

The Additional Chief Secretary expressed resolve to planting trees in open spaces, along canals, and on roadsides through utilizing all available resources to get the green cover.

Collaborations with horticulture authorities are planned to extend the plantation efforts into urban areas of the major cities as well, he remarked.

Rabbani highlighted importance of involving students and civil society to ensure success of the campaign.

According to him, to this regard the true success lies in nurturing saplings into mature trees.

He also announced that monthly audits of planted trees would be conducted, with accountability measures to be evolved to protect fading of the any single plant.

The officer concerned of the Forest Department would be held responsible for such of above negligience, he said.