Argentina To Provide Sindh Technical Assistance In Livestock Sector

Argentina to provide Sindh technical assistance in livestock sector

Argentina to provide technical assistance for increasing the production of milk and dairy products and preparation of livestock vaccines in Sindh

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Oct, 2022 ) :Argentina to provide technical assistance for increasing the production of milk and dairy products and preparation of livestock vaccines in Sindh.

It was agreed in a meeting between Sindh Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Abdul Bari Patafi and Ambassador of Argentina, Leopoldo Francisco Sahores in a meeting here Wednesday. Secretary Livestock and Fisheries Tamizuddin Khero and Director General Livestock Dr. Nazir Kalhoro were also present on this occasion.

The Argentinean envoy expressed his desire to work together with the Sindh Livestock department for preparation of vaccines in Sindh. He also assured to provide technical assistance for increasing production of milk and dairy products in Sindh.

The provincial minister informed the visiting envoy that 68 types of vaccines were currently being prepared locally by the Livestock Department while the lumpy skin vaccine was in the final stages of preparation.

He said that island was an excellent choice for preparation of vaccine under the international virus protocol while Sindh province had islands to set up such a facility. Khapriyanwala Island would be a suitable choice for Biosafety Lab-3 where vaccines for various animal diseases can be developed without any possible biological harm as per international best practices, he added.

Production of vaccines at the local level will help meeting requirements of the country while additional doses of vaccines could be provided to the neighbouring countries as well, Pitafi said.

They also agreed to work together in the field of information exchange and research for the development of the livestock sector.

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