Around Rs 109 Bln Recovered From Electricity Defaulters So Far: NEPRA Told

Around Rs 109 bln recovered from electricity defaulters so far: NEPRA told

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The National Electric Power Regulatory (NEPRA) on Friday was informed that a sum of around Rs 109 billion has been recovered from electricity defaulters since September 2023 during the ongoing anti-power theft and recovery drive.

The outstanding dues against running and dead defaulters stood at around Rs 1.3 trillion, an official of the Power Division told the Authority during a hearing into XWDISCO Quarterly Adjustments on Account of Variation in Power Purchase price for the 3rd Quarter for FY 2023-24. The provinces have been requested to assist the distribution companies in their recovery and anti-power theft drive, he added

The hearing was presided over by Chairman NEPRA Waseem Mukhtar while member Balochistan Mathar Niaz Rana and member Sindh Rafique Ahmad Shaikh were also present on the occasion.

The DISCOs in their petition to the power regulator have sought Rs 51.

86 billion under quarterly adjustment to be recovered from the consumers. The regulator was told that power demand has witnessed a significant decrease in various sectors during the 3rd quarter of the current fiscal year 2023-24.

Islamabad Electric Supply Company Chief Dr Muhammad Amjad informed that net metering generation in the company was recorded as 160 megawatts (MW) so far.

The authority also expressed dismay over the absence of officials of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) in the hearing and decided to issue a notice to the company to explain its position.

Regarding net metering, the authority was apprised that the tendency to install net metering has gained momentum and connections having 2000 MW accumulative capacity have already been installed across the country.

The NEPRA would announce its judgment after a detailed analysis of statistics.