Balochistan Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar Urges Progressive People To Play Role In Promoting Democratic Attitudes In Society


Balochistan Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar urges progressive people to play role in promoting democratic attitudes in society

Balochistan Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar on Thursday urged the progressive and enlightened people of the province to play an active role in promoting democratic attitudes in the society, creating respect for differences of opinion and highlighting human dignity

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Jul, 2023 ) :Balochistan Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar on Thursday urged the progressive and enlightened people of the province to play an active role in promoting democratic attitudes in the society, creating respect for differences of opinion and highlighting human dignity.

He said that the creation of a civilized society was subject to the equal application of the law, the greatness of people-friendly law was that in its eyes both the strong and the weak were equal adding that without the rule of law, the order and harmony of the society could not be maintained.

He expressed these views while talking to various delegations at Governor House Quetta here.

On this occasion, the Governor of Balochistan said that only through the supremacy of law and justice, new ways of a humane society free from oppression and exploitation could be determined.

In this regard, all the law enforcement agencies and especially the district administration have great responsibilities to improve the law and order situation in the rural areas of the province to protect the lives and property of the people and to eradicate other social evils by taken steps, he said.

He made it clear in blunt words that we have to make not only the weak and poor people of the society feel that the law was their protector, but also the influential people of the society should also be brought under the ambit of the law.

The Governor urged the progressive and enlightened people of the province to play an active role in promoting democratic attitudes in the society, creating respect for differences of opinion and highlighting human dignity.

He said that the government should reduce various crimes at the Union Council level, take timely action against drug peddlers and ensure that public travel on national highways was safe and voice of the voiceless people.

Governor Balochistan expressed the expectation that all government authorities and institutions would continue to play their full role for the development and prosperity of the country.