CM Message On UN Public Service Day


CM message on UN Public Service Day

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jun, 2024) Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, in her message on United Nations Public Service Day, said that today is a day to reiterate the government's commitment to improve public service.

The CM said: “I salute the government employees who work with dedication and honesty to serve people.” She highlighted that people who dedicate their lives to service with integrity and dedication are admirable. Without hard work and dedication, the dream of development of Punjab cannot be realized, she vowed.

The CM added the Punjab government is well aware of its Primary responsibility to serve people and make their lives easier. She underscored that Punjab government is discharging its responsibilities with a spirit of public service. Punjab government reiterates its commitment to transparency, accountability and excellence in public service. She added restructuring of departments is being reviewed for better service delivery and good governance. She vowed that the government policies will improve service delivery.