CM Sindh Decides To Establish Robotic Surgery Unit At JPMC

CM Sindh decides to establish Robotic Surgery unit at JPMC

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has decided to establish a robotic Surgery system at Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center-JPMC unit for regular surgeries and training of new surgeons so that such units could be installed and operationalized in all district headquarter hospitals

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Feb, 2022 ) :Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has decided to establish a robotic Surgery system at Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center-JPMC unit for regular surgeries and training of new surgeons so that such units could be installed and operationalized in all district headquarter hospitals.

He issued these directives in his meeting with the Executive Director of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center and acting Vice Chancellor of JPMC Prof Shahid Rasool here at CM House, said a statement.

The chief minister discussed installation of the Robotic Surgery System in JPMC with the Executive director for regular surgery and training of new surgeons. "This will not only help to modernize the surgery system but increase the number of surgeries per day," the CM said and added it would be upgraded as a master training center where new surgeons would be imparted robotic surgeries for DHQ hospitals.

Prof Shahid Rasool told the chief minister that the JPMC was facing acute shortage of staff at administrative and clinical sides. At this the chief minister directed him to appoint necessary staff from BS-1 to BS-16 on contingency basis. The requirement of Assistant professors and professors may be met from JSMU.

On the request of acting VC Prof Shahid Rasool the chief minister vowed to enhance the annual grant of the university.

The chief minister directed U&B dept to appoint remaining members of the syndicate and directed the acting VC to convene academic council, Senate and Syndicate meetings to resolve the university issues.

The chief minister appreciated the services of ailing people at JPMC and vowed to equip it with latest equipment, machinery and with new buildings.