Commissioner Visits Darul Sukun

Commissioner visits Darul Sukun

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Jun, 2024) Commissioner, Syed Hassan Naqvi, visited Darul Sukun, a home for mentally and physically challenged children and adults, on the 3nd day of Eid-ul-Azha.

He congratulated the children on Eid and distributed gifts among them.

The Chief Executive Officer of Darul Sukun, Savio M Pereira, briefed the Commissioner about the institution.

The Commissioner praised the services of the institution for special and vulnerable children and adults, saying that they are valuable.

He also assured that non-governmental organizations working with passion for human service will be fully encouraged.

The commissioner was informed that Darul Sukun has three branches in Karachi, providing care and support to those in need.

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