Commissioner Visits Vegetable Market To Review Arrangements

Commissioner visits vegetable market to review arrangements

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th May, 2024) Lahore Divisional Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood has conducted an extensive tour of the fruit and vegetable market Badami Bagh and the Rim Market of the Walled City to oversee arrangements.

He reviewed the auction process of fruits and vegetables, particularly watermelons and bananas. Assistant Commissioner (AC) Cantt Nabeel Ahmed Memon and Secretary of Agriculture Market Committee Shehzad Cheema briefed the commissioner about market operations and auction activities.

During his visit to the rim Market and the historic Zamani Begum Mosque area, AC City Rai Babar provided an briefing to the commissioner. The briefing highlighted the Shahi Qila as a global heritage site, with assurances that the historic Begum Zamani Mosque and the surrounding area would be preserved.

The Commissioner emphasized the importance of protecting both the historical buildings and the businesses associated with them. He assured that all stakeholders would be taken into confidence, ensuring that no business would suffer due to the relocation of any market or marketplace. Instead, such moves are expected to boost business growth.

Furthermore, the commissioner visited Khokhar Road, Bund Road, and the RUDA (Ravi Urban Development Authority) area. The tour was attended by officials from Metropolitan Corporation Lahore, Lahore Walled City Authority, RUDA, and the Agriculture Market Committee.