Dairy Unit Sealed, 1800-litre Expired Cream Discarded

Dairy unit sealed, 1800-litre expired cream discarded

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jun, 2024) The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) took action against sale of adulterated and expired items in motorway service area Faisalabad and discarded 1800-litre expired cream, 390-litre beverages and 130-litre oil and also sealed a dairy unit.

A spokesman for the authority said here on Sunday that the PFA team, under supervision of Director General (DG) PFA Asim Javaid, conducted surprise checking at various eatery shops in motorway service area Faisalabad and seized 1800 litres of powder and expired cream, 390 litres of beverage and chemical-mixed water and 130 liter oil. Therefore, the PFA team confiscated these items and discarded.

Meanwhile, the PFA team found sale of adulterated milk at a dairy unit and sealed its premises whereas a fine of Rs. 230,000 was imposed on a food cheese shop on charge of selling spurious items, he added.