DC Vows To Enforce Code Of Conduct During Muharram


DC vows to enforce code of conduct during Muharram

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Attock Rao Atif Raza has pledged to strictly enforce a code of conduct during the holy month of Muharram, in a bid to maintain religious harmony and prevent any untoward incidents

ATTOCK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Jul, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC) Attock Rao Atif Raza has pledged to strictly enforce a code of conduct during the holy month of Muharram, in a bid to maintain religious harmony and prevent any untoward incidents.

Chairing a high-level meeting on Thursday, DC Raza emphasized the need for a comprehensive security plan, banning provocative speeches and entry of controversial speakers.

The meeting, attended by top officials from various departments, reviewed arrangements for maintaining law and order, ensuring strict security measures to avert any potential disturbances.
