Dera Police Arrest Five Outlaws; Arms Recovered

Dera Police arrest five outlaws; arms recovered

Dera police on Saturday arrested five outlaws and recovered illegal weapons from the accused persons during various operations and registered cases against them

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Nov, 2022 ) :Dera police on Saturday arrested five outlaws and recovered illegal weapons from the accused persons during various operations and registered cases against them.

According to the details, during the operation, police recovered a 30-bore pistol with five cartridges from the accused Dost Mohammad and arrested him.

Kirri Khasor police during the raid recovered a 30-bore pistol along with 25 cartridges from Abdul Rasheed son of Muhammad Shaaban at Uthog bridge.

The Parowa police also recovered a pistol and five cartridges from Rizwan son of Sherzaman resident of Basti Dhandla.

While in the second operation, one twelve-bore gun and seven cartridges were recovered from accused Azmat son of Ehsanullah, while one twelve-bore gun with two cartridges was recovered from Zarif son of Sharif Baloch resident of Parowa and police arrested both accused.

Separate cases have been registered against the nabbed persons.

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