Educated Nation Can Change The Country: Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui

Educated nation can change the country: Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui

Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui on Saturday said that only an educated nation could change the country and put it on the path to development and prosperity

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Jun, 2024) Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui on Saturday said that only an educated nation could change the country and put it on the path to development and prosperity.

Talking to media persons after a meeting to discuss establishing campuses of educational institutions in Sindh at the Regional Office of Higher Education Commission (HEC), he said they have to change emergency into an emerging Pakistan and that is only possible through education.

Dr Siddiqui said that they were trying to take Pakistan's every area, village and slum to a prosperous stage. He emphasised the digitisation in the country.

The minister mentioned that it is important to showcase this opportunity to the world and aging nations.

He added that crises have already emerged in Japan, Germany, and Russia, where the population is decreasing.

Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said that the talent of Pakistani youth could be utilised to this effect. He said that an agreement had also been reached with Huawei regarding the education of two lac students.

In response to a question, he stated that the standards of student unions had deteriorated, but in their original form, they could play an important role in these changing times. He said that the purpose of the 18th Amendment was the devolution of power but it proved to be an accumulation of power.

GST issue on education would be raised in the National Assembly, he said replying to a question.