Fata Reforms Approved By Federal Government: Shahabuddin Khan


Fata reforms approved by federal government: Shahabuddin Khan

Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz MNA from Bajaur Agency Shahabuddin Khan has said that the FATA reforms approved by the federal government would be implemented soon.

BAJAUR AGENCY, April 3 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Apr, 2018 ) ::Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz MNA from Bajaur Agency Shahabuddin Khan has said that the FATA reforms approved by the Federal government would be implemented soon.

He was talking to a delegation of Bajaur Youth Jirga at his house in Pashat Salarzai area on Tuesday. He said the process to do away with the colonial governance system in tribal areas had entered final state and that the local residents would soon have a good news about the implementation of FATA reforms.

The lawmaker said reforms of the current governance system would ensure durable peace, stability and speedy socioeconomic development in FATA. He said the enforcement of the country's laws in FATA was the best way to address the issues and challenges facing local tribesmen.

Shahabuddin denied the reforms approved by the cabinet would go against the local customs, traditions, culture and jirga system and claimed that the changes to the prevalent governance and judicial system would turn out to be a true game changer in the life of tribesmen.

Shahabuddin asked the members of the youth jirga to work for the promotion of peace and stability in the region. About the development schemes in the agency, the MNA said the federal government is taking all out efforts to provide basic and modern facilities to the people of tribal areas.

He said that scores of development schemes are being under way in the agency to improve the life of tribesmen.