FDA DG Orders Redressing Public Complaints

FDA DG orders redressing public complaints

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Jul, 2024) Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA) Director General (DG) Muhammad Asif Chaudhry has directed the officers to redress public complaints on top priority basis.

Taking serious notice of pendency of public complaints received through various forums or directly, he directed the officers in-charge of various departments of the FDA to fully monitor the process of expeditious redress of public complaints. in this regard, no unnecessary delay would be tolerated at any cost, he warned.

He said disciplinary action would be taken against the staff who did not pay attention to solving on the public problems.

He also ordered to keep the enforcement teams ready round-the-clock to deal with the complaints related to encroachments, illegal constructions, unauthorised commercialisation and unapproved housing schemes.

He also emphasised making performance of One Window Countre in line with public expectations.

The FDA services would be transformed as complaint-free so that public trust in the institution could be further strengthened, he added.