FDA Extends Date For Payment Of Development Charged

FDA extends date for payment of development charged

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jun, 2024) In order to facilitate allottees of the FDA City, the authorities have given more time for payment of development charges and additional development charges till December 31.

This was decided in a governing body meeting of the Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA), held with Commissioner Silwat Saeed in the chair here on Thursday. Director General Muhammad Asif and others were also present.

The DG put the agenda item before the meeting, which was unanimously accepted by all members of the body.

The DG said that now the defaulters should take advantage of the relaxation in the period for payment of arrears and pay their dues without delay. The meeting was told that defaulters would have to pay a surcharge of Rs. 2,000 per marla along with pending dues.

He said that notices had been issued several times to defaulters for payment of arrears, so after the end of the grace period, their excuses would not be acceptable and departmental steps would be taken to cancel the plot allotment orders of defaulters.

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