Former Federal Minister Initiates Development Work On Jageyan Kalian Road

Former Federal Minister initiates development work on Jageyan kalian road

HAVELIAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jun, 2024) Former Federal minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Javaid Abbasi and former PML-N MPA Sardar Aurangzeb Nalotha Thursday commenced civil work on Jageyan Kalian Road in Union Council Ghora Bazgraan's village of Tehsil Havelilan.

The construction was commenced through development funds allocated by former federal Minister Murtaza Javed Abbasi and MPA Sardar Aurangzeb Nalotha under the supervision of former Naib Nazim Nazar Muhammad Awan.

The road construction project has begun, aimed at enhancing connectivity and infrastructure in the area.

Local residents have expressed gratitude towards the former minister and MPA for their efforts in securing and implementing these development funds.

Nazar Muhammad highlighted that Murtaza Abbasi and Nalotha continue to serve the community diligently, even outside of official capacities, and are delivering on their promises to improve local infrastructure.