IAHRC Rep. At UNHRC Concerned Over Legal Flaws, Plight Of Kashmiri Prisoners

IAHRC Rep. at UNHRC concerned over legal flaws, plight of Kashmiri prisoners

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jun, 2024) During their visit to the United Nations in Geneva for the UNHRC session, a Kashmir delegation met with Miss K Pormica, the representative from the International Association for Human Rights Advocacy (IAHRA) at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

They briefed her on the prejudiced judicial system in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The delegation, consisting of Advocate Parvez Shah and Dr Waleed Rasool, explained that the judicial system in IIOJK deliberately causes delays in cases involving innocent Kashmiri detainees by granting unnecessary adjournments.

This tactic is intended to break the detainees' resolve, as conveyed in a message released to the media on Tuesday.

Miss Pormica expressed serious concern over the flawed legal system in IIOJK and pledged to raise the issue of the legal injustices and the plight of Kashmiri prisoners in future events.

The delegation informed her that under-trial prisoners are often not presented in court, limiting their access to lawyers and family. This practice effectively makes the detainees invisible.

They are also tried in special courts outside the state, complicating legal representation, and free legal aid is unavailable.

The IAHRA representative was also made aware of the deplorable conditions in which Kashmiri prisoners are held in various Indian jails, where they are denied basic facilities guaranteed by jail manuals and international law.

Additionally, the delegation highlighted that the government forces detainees to sign bonds pledging not to speak about or support the ongoing struggle for self-determination, a right recognized by United Nations resolutions.
