IPO Pakistan Delegation Participates In 3rd International IPO Congress

IPO Pakistan delegation participates in 3rd International IPO Congress

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jun, 2024) A high-level delegation from International Police Organisation (IPO) Pakistan chapter, led by President IPO Pakistan, DIGP Dr. Maqsood Ahmed, attended the 3rd International IPO Congress in Tirana, Albania.

The conference brought together over 200 law enforcement officials and members from around the world, said a news release issued here on Monday.

Professor Ilija Zivotic, Founder and President of IPO, delivered the inaugural speech, emphasizing the significance of international cooperation and collaboration among police organizations.

President IPO Pakistan Section Dr.

Maqsood Ahmed highlighted the importance of modern policing in developing countries and inter-agency coordination in training and capacity building. He also shared his views and expertise on fighting terrorism and terror financing.

The congress aimed to foster global partnerships, exchange ideas, and share experiences among IPO section leaders and members. It also provided a platform to familiarize participants with IPO's programs and guidelines for the coming years.

IPO is a multinational professional non-profit and non-governmental organization with special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC since 2022.