'Kashmir Is The Beating Heart Of Pakistan', Munir Akram Says In Solidarity Message


'Kashmir is the beating heart of Pakistan', Munir Akram says in solidarity message

Re-affirming Pakistan's "unwavering" support to Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom from India, Ambassador Munir Akram says that a people determined to free themselves of foreign occupation are destined to succeed

UNITED NATIONS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, 2021 ) :Re-affirming Pakistan's "unwavering" support to Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom from India, Ambassador Munir Akram says that a people determined to free themselves of foreign occupation are destined to succeed.

"The day is not far when the people of Kashmir will be able to free themselves from the yoke of Indian occupation," the Pakistani envoy said in a message to the UN community on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day, while highlighting that the Kashmir issue has been re-internationalized.

"Kashmir is the beating heart of Pakistan. The 'K' in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. The ideal of Pakistan is incomplete without it," he said.

"The people of Pakistan have always stood resolutely with their Kashmir brethren against Indian oppression and aggression." The Permanent Mission of Pakistan in New York remains the voice of the Kashmiris at the UN and other international fora, Ambassador Akram said.

"We are utilizing every opportunity to fight their legal, moral and political case, and to expose the true face of India's cruel and naked occupation.

" He said the BJP-RSS regime would not succeed in its "sinister designs" to physically, politically and psychologically crush the legitimate and indigenous freedom struggle; and impose the status quo as a fait accompli on Pakistan.

"Inevitably," the Pakistani envoy said, "India will fail to oppress the Kashmiri people.""The Kashmir issue is once again re-internationalized," he said, adding that the UN Security Council, UN Secretary-General, UN General Assembly president, High Commissioner for Human Rights and other high-ranking UN human rights experts and Special Rapporteurs had on numerous occasions expressed grave concerns over India's massive atrocities and crimes in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

"Pakistan will continue to extend full moral, political and diplomatic support till the time the people of Kashmir are able to realize their inalienable right to self-determination."