KFM Condemns India's Closure Of Srinagar's Jamia Masjid On Eid

KFM condemns India's closure of Srinagar's Jamia Masjid  on Eid

MIRPUR-AJK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Jun, 2024) The Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM) has strongly condemned India's decision to prevent Kashmiri Muslims from offering Eid prayers at the historic Jamia Masjid in occupied Srinagar.

KFM President Engr. Afzal Ziai, in a statement on Wednesday, called the action a "heinous act" and reflection of India's "brutal reality" of occupation.

He stated that the closure of the mosque, a symbol of Kashmiri Muslim heritage, was an attack on their religious freedom and identity.

Ziai emphasized that the Jamia Masjid was more than just a place of worship as it was a beacon of Kashmiris' cultural and spiritual resilience.

He urged the international community to hold India accountable for its actions and repeated violations of human rights in the occupied Kashmir.

The Anjuman Auqaf Jamia Masjid Srinagar which manages the mosque, confirmed that Indian authorities prevented devotees from offering Eid prayers at the scheduled time.

This marks the fifth consecutive year that the Jamia Masjid has remained silent on Eid-ul-Azha, a day of celebration and sacrifice for Muslims worldwide.
