KP Food Authority Conducts Major Operation Against Adulteration Mafia

KP Food Authority conducts major operation against adulteration mafia

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) The officials of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food safety teams conducted raids in Swabi, Nowshera, Malakand and Mardan, spokesperson Food Authority told media men here on Sunday.

The inspection team seized 800 liters of fake drinks from a vehicle at the blockade on Swabi’s Jehangira Road, Spokesman said. On receiving secret information, 1200 liters of fake drinks were recovered from a vehicle in Nowshera and taken into official custody, spokesperson said.

Heavy fines imposed on owners of fake drinks, further action under the Food Safety Act initiated, the spokesman said.

He said that on inspection of food items businesses in Sakhakot Bazaar of Malakand Division, 200 liters of milk was destroyed as it was found to be substandard. Mardan Food Safety Team checked in Takhtbhai Bazar, inspected samples of different food items from a mobile food testing lab, the spokesperson informed.

Bad Oil was destroyed on the spot, 80 kg of prohibited and expired items were seized, fines were also imposed, spokesperson said.

Operations are underway to root out the adulteration mafia from across the province, the spokesman said.

He said, "On the special instruction of Director General Food Authority Wasif Saeed, actions will continue until adulteration in edible items is stopped and no concession will be made to anyone."

He said, "The Provincial Food Minister Zahir Shah Toro has directed food safety teams to inspect industry, distributors and wholesalers. Provision of unadulterated food items to the citizens is the top priority of the provincial government," the spokesperson added.