Laghari Visits Kuwait RCS Headquarters


Laghari visits Kuwait RCS headquarters

Chairman of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Sardar Shahid Ahmed Laghari, visited the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) headquarters in Kuwait on Friday

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Chairman of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Sardar Shahid Ahmed Laghari, visited the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) headquarters in Kuwait on Friday.

According to a press release issued here, he was warmly welcomed by Chairman Kuwait Red Crescent Society

Dr. Hilal Musaed Al-Sayer along with Deputy Chairman Dr Anwar Abdullah Al Hasawi, Secretary General Ms. Maha Barjas Hamoud Al Barjas, Director General KRCS Abdul Rehman Al Aoun and board members.

During the visit, Chairman Laghari engaged in discussions with the senior officials of KRCS, focusing on strengthening bilateral humanitarian relations and addressing the current humanitarian challenges in the region.

In his remarks, Chairman Laghari highlighted Kuwait's steadfast support during times of peace and crises.

He emphasized the historic and enduring partnership with KRCS, acknowledging its crucial role in joint humanitarian efforts in Pakistan.

He also applauded the significant assistance provided by KRCS, especially during the 2005 earthquake, 2010 and 2022 monsoon floods, which greatly benefited affected communities across the country.

Chairman Laghari noted the importance of this visit, emphasizing the shared bond between the two Muslim countries and the entire Muslim Ummah.

By visiting national societies in the Middle East and Gulf states, the Chairman PRCS recognized KRCS as a strong and historic partner and to further strengthen this relationship.

Dr Hilal Musaed Al-Sayer, Chairman of KRCS, praised the long-standing and resilient relationship between Pakistan and Kuwait. He highlighted the historical collaboration between PRCS and KRCS and commended the exemplary services of PRCS under Chairman Laghari's leadership. He reaffirmed KRCS's commitment to extending all possible cooperation.

On this occasion, KRCS and PRCS signed a cooperation agreement to enhance relief collaboration and support humanitarian efforts. The agreement was signed by Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer and Chairman Laghari.

The focus areas of this collaboration include Disaster Management, Health, Climate Change, Youth Engagement, Resource Mobilization, Organizational Development, and Migration. He also emphasized PRCS's commitment to strengthening ties with national societies in the Gulf States and seeking meaningful engagements with affluent nations to explore collaborative opportunities that support Pakistan's vulnerable population particularly those who affected by devastating floods.

Chairman Laghari expressed his desire for KRCS to open a delegation office in Pakistan and invited the Chairman and Secretary General of KRCS to visit Pakistan and the PRCS National Headquarters.

Both the dignitaries accepted the invitation and assured that for the implementation of the agreed MoU, they will soon visit PRCS National Headquarters in Pakistan.

The visit concluded with an exchange of commemorative shields and souvenirs between PRCS and KRCS.