Mayor Chairs Meeting To Review Arrangements For Muharram

Mayor chairs meeting  to review arrangements for Muharram

MIRPURKHAS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Jul, 2024) Mayor Municipal Corporation Mirpurkhas ,Abdul Rauf Ghori has said that cleaning arrangements would be improved on routes of mourning processions in holy month of Muharram.

He presided over a meeting with the administrators of various imambargahs regarding arrangements for the holy month, said a press release issued here .

The mayor said that the month of Muharram- ul-Haram reminded us of the great sacrifice of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) for the sake of the religion, adding all available resources would be utilized to facilitate the participant of processions and majalis.

Abdul Rauf Ghori further said that a complete contingency plan had been inalized by the Municipal Corporation for the immediate solution of the problems faced by Ushra Majalis and processions and in that regard, a control room would also be established by appointing a focal person.

Deputy Controller Civil Defense Faheem Memon, Maulana Syed Zia Haider Naqvi, Wahid Hussain Pahlwani, Syed Sagheer Naqvi, administrators of various Imambargahs and officials of other relevant departments participated in the meeting.


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