'No Peace Rather Devastation Has Increased Manifold In IIOJK'; Omar Abdullah

'No peace rather devastation has increased manifold in IIOJK'; Omar Abdullah

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th May, 2024) National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah has said that the Indian rulers’ claims of normalcy in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K) are far from reality; rather, devastation has been manifold in the territory since August 2019.

According to Kashmir Media Service, addressing a gathering at Hyhama in Kupwara, Omar Abdullah, while referring to the recent attacks and killings in Rajouri, Poonch, Srinagar, and other areas, said that in fact there was no stability anywhere in IIOJK and people were entangled in severe circumstances.

He said, “We are being told that after the abrogation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed immense development, but that development cannot be seen on the ground”.

“Not only the pathetic road conditions, but the prolonged electricity cuts and hike in electricity tariffs have made the lives of common people miserable,” he added.

The NC leader said that this parliamentary election was an important one for the Kashmiri people, through which they could send a strong message through their vote to New Delhi as well as to the whole world.