Nutritious Food Provided To Prisoners Across Punjab: Home Secretary

Nutritious food provided to prisoners across Punjab: home secretary

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Jun, 2024) Punjab Home Secretary Noor ul Amin Mengal has said that all prisoners across the province are

being provided with nutritious food that meets their caloric needs besides better medical cover and other amenities of life.

He stated this during his visit to Camp Jail here during Eid holidays. He also had lunch with juvenile

prisoners and appreciated the taste and quality of food.

The under trial prisoners informed the secretary that all inmates were happy with the food quality

served under the direct supervision of Senior Superintendent Zahir Ahmad Virk who

visits them daily.

The secretary emphasized that the food served is designed to fulfill the nutritional needs of the inmates, contributing to their overall health and well-being.

He underscored that the provision of hygienic food is a top priority in Punjab's correctional facilities. The IG (Prisons) has implemented strict standards and regular inspections to ensure that the food is prepared in clean environments and is free from contaminants, he added.

Noorul Amin Mengal highlighted the improvements in medical care within the prisons. "The government has enhanced healthcare services to provide better medical attention to inmates. This includes regular health check-ups, prompt treatment of illnesses, and access to necessary medications. These measures are part of broader efforts to improve the conditions within Punjab's prisons", he added.

He said these initiatives reflected a commitment to rehabilitation and reintegration, helping inmates to maintain their health and well-being during their confinement and preparing them for a successful return to society.

Dr Waqar Ch Advisor to Minister of State and Federal Tax Ombudsman, Superintendent Zahir Ahmad Virk

along with his team Deputy Superintendents Kamran Maqbool, Mohsin Ali and Muhammad Afzal Wattoo were also present.

Inspector General of Prisons Punjab Mian Farooq Nazeer apprised the secretary, "We got slight change in the jail menu with the addition to seasonal vegetables and grams after having marathon meetings with Dean Food and Nutrition of the Agriculture University Faisalabad which will be implemented shortly.

The IG said zero tolerance on food quality, medical care, security and discipline. He mentioned that e.libraries and utility stores had also been established in jails and chillers were operating providing filtered cold water to prisoners. He said, play grounds made available to prisoners for games for their physical fitness.

The IG also visited interview sheds and waiting areas and enquired from the relatives of prisoners about arrangements. He appreciated Senior Superintendent Zahir Ahmad Virk for excellent supervision. DIG Lahore region Naveed Rauf Langrial also accompanied the IG.

Later, Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood also visited the jail same day and spent good time with prisoners.

Earlier, the IG (Prisons) with Dr Waqar Ch Advisor to Minister of State and Federal Tax Ombudsman distributed sweets among the prisoners on the occasion.