Police Accelerate Operation Against Professional Beggars; Net 127

Police accelerate operation against professional beggars; net 127

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Sep, 2022 ) :The Rawalpindi Police in their ongoing operation against professional beggars managed to net 127 beggars from different areas during last three days.

According to a district police spokesman, on the orders of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Operations Rawalpindi, Waseem Riaz Khan, the anti-beggary squad took action against professional beggars and arrested 127 beggars from different areas.

Speaking on the occasion, Waseem Riaz said that the special anti-beggary squad was working hard and regularly conducting raids in different areas.

He informed that the ongoing operation against professional beggars had been accelerated to nab professional beggars, adding, police were trying to purge the society from the menace of begging.

"The professional beggars stand on various highways and squares of Rawalpindi city and not only affect the flow of traffic but also increase the risk of accidents. Therefore, the public is requested not to serve alms to them, as discouraging such factors will not only improve the society, but also the traffic flow," he stressed.

The spokesman informed that 497 professional beggars were netted during the last 12 days.
