Public Private Partnership Board Meeting Held

Public Private Partnership Board meeting held

A meeting of the Public Private Partnership Board on Tuesday held under the chairmanship of Provincial Minister of Finance and Chairman Public Private Partnership Program Mir Shoaib Nosherwani and Co-Chairman and Provincial Minister of Planning and Development Zahoor Ahmed Buledi

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Jul, 2024) A meeting of the Public Private Partnership board on Tuesday held under the chairmanship of Provincial Minister of Finance and Chairman Public Private Partnership Program Mir Shoaib Nosherwani and Co-Chairman and Provincial Minister of Planning and Development Zahoor Ahmed Buledi.

Nosherwani said that the provincial government would utilized all resources to provide relief to the masses and concrete steps would be taken to improve the living slandered of the people by initiating projects through public private partnership model.

He said efforts are being taken to make functional the Circular Road Quetta parking plaza through public private partnership basis to resolve roadside problems and provide safe parking places to the commuters.

He said that government would also establish state-of the-art building with modern facilities at available space of old meat market in Quetta aimed to increase revenue and boost commercial activities in the city.

The minister said that the government is making every possible effort to implement various projects under public-private partnership in the province. He said employment opportunities would be created for the local people though the Chaman Master Plan.

Nosherwani said that various mega projects would be started in the province on public-private partnership model, the finance secretary should be duly informed so that he approves or disapproves the projects by looking at the capacity of the public treasury.

The solar salt project Kaur Kalmat was also approved in the meeting.

Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Imran Zarkoon, Additional Chief Secretary Hafiz Abdul Basit, Secretary Finance Babar Khan, Secretary Industries Noor Ahmad Perkani and Commissioner Quetta Division Hamza Shafqaat were attended the meeting.