Rescue 1122 Provides Services In 190 Emergencies Last Week


Rescue 1122 provides services in 190 emergencies last week

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jun, 2024) The district’s emergency service- Rescue 1122 rescued a total of 197 patients while dealing with various emergencies during the last week under the supervision of District Emergency Officer Engr. Fasih Ullah.

According to the weekly performance report issued here on Monday, the Rescue 1122 tackled a total of 190 emergencies over the week including 132 medical, 40 road accidents, nine fire eruptions, seven violence and five others.

It says that the service received a total of 15981 emergency calls including 11370 fake or irrelevant calls.

He said that Rescue 1122 also tackled 16 referral-related emergencies in which the patients were shifted to different hospitals for medical treatment.


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