Resident Sought Court's Help To Stop Generator Polluting Flat


Resident sought court's help to stop generator polluting flat

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jun, 2024) The Sindh High Court has ordered the officials of Cantonment board of Hyderabad (CBH) and Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) to appear in person in the court in a matter pertaining to use of electricity generator under a residential plaza.

According to details, the notices have been served in a petition filed by a resident of Faizan Arcade in Saddar, Muhammad Iqbal Memon.

Memon stated that he lived with his family in an apartment on the first floor of the arcade, adding two persons operating a shop on the building's ground floor used the generator frequently throughout the day which resulted in accumulation of the machine's health hazardous emissions in his flat.

He further apprised the court that the outers of split air conditioners of some properties were also placed close to his flat gallery, adding that the outers contributed to intensifying heat during the summer season.

The Hyderabad Circuit Bench while putting the respondents on notice ordered the shop owners Tarique and Mubashir to stop operating the generator till the next hearing which is scheduled for June 26.