Rs 150 Bln Allocated For Kissan Card

Rs 150 bln allocated for Kissan Card

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Jun, 2024) The Punjab government has allocated Rs 150 billion for the launching of the Kissan Card to facilitate farmers and promote agriculture sector.

Talking to media persons on Saturday, Secretary Agriculture Iftikhar Ali Sahu remarked that five peasants would be offered interest-free loans.

So far, 150,000 farmers have undergone the registration process, he added.

He added that a huge package had been introduced for the farmers. He also informed that subsidised tractors would also be offered to the farmers. Similarly, 7000 electricity-run tube-wells would be shifted to solar systems.

Besides this, he said that 1000 agriculture graduates will be recruited to promote the agriculture sector.