Sepoy Muhammad Azam Laid To Rest With Military Honours In Haripur

Sepoy Muhammad Azam laid to rest with military honours in Haripur

Sepoy Muhammad Azam, who bravely sacrificed his life during an anti-terrorism operation in Kuram Agency, was laid to rest in his ancestral village of Phulwari with full military honours here Saturday

HARIPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Jun, 2024) Sepoy Muhammad Azam, who bravely sacrificed his life during an anti-terrorism operation in Kuram Agency, was laid to rest in his ancestral village of Phulwari with full military honours here Saturday.

His funeral prayers, followed by a solemn burial ceremony was attended by a contingent of military personnel.

Sepoy Muhammad Azam, a dedicated serviceman with a tenure of 16 years and 7 months, was saluted by the EFP Center Abbottabad before being laid to rest in Phulwari Sari Kot, Haripur.

The entire community gathered to pay their respects to the fallen hero, honouring his bravery and commitment to safeguarding the nation against terrorism.

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