Shopkeeper Deprived Of Cash At Gun Point

Shopkeeper deprived of cash at gun point

Three unidentified armed robbers looted cash from a shop situated at Multan road near on Thursday noon

MUZAFFARGARH, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jun, 2024) Three unidentified armed robbers looted cash from a shop situated at Multan road near on Thursday noon.

According to police sources, three unidentified armed robbers entered into an iron shop of Malik Akhtar situated at Multan road.

The criminals held hostage the owner and staff the shop and looted cash Rs 40,000 and mobile phones.

The criminals opened firing on the staffers when they tried to resist the robbery bid, however, none of them was injured with the firing.

Receiving information through emergency helpline 15, the police concerned reached the spot and started the investigations into the incident.

A case has also been registered against unknown criminals and all police pickets have also been informed, police sources added.