Two Robbers Arrested In Attock

Two robbers arrested in Attock

ATTOCK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jun, 2024) The Attock Police arrested two robbers on Tuesday and recovered the stolen items from their possession.

According to police sources, Hairs Nadeem, a resident of Mirza village, reported the incident to the police.

Nadeem stated that while he and his family were asleep, two masked men broke into their home and held them hostage at gunpoint.

The intruders then searched the house and fled with cash and gold ornaments.

The police, using both human intelligence and digital surveillance, managed to trace and apprehend the suspects.

The robbers were identified as Muhammad Danial and Muhammad Arshad.

The stolen items were recovered from them, and they are now in police custody for further investigation.


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