Youth Can Play Key Role In The Country's Development, Prosperity: Nawabzada Jamal Raisani

Youth can play key role in the country's development, prosperity: Nawabzada Jamal Raisani

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Dec, 2023) Balochistan Caretaker Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Nawabzada Jamal Khan Raisani on Saturday said that youth can play a key role in the development and prosperity of the country by being a part of positive activities.

Addressing the closing ceremony of Youth Festival organized in Quetta, he said the future of the country is in the hands of the youth and Balochistan has immense potential to move forward.

Jamal Raisani said the youth should devote their time and capabilities to positive activities and development of the country and their province.

The First Youth Festival started off on November under the auspices of the Sports and Culture Department in order to engage the youth in different sports and other healthy activities to enable them to play role in the development of the country.

The purpose of the Youth Festival is to improve the skills of the youth of Balochistan and to engage the young folk in positive activities.

The initiatives would encourage the youth to indulge in healthy activities, besides polishing their talent.

The three-day youth festival was the first of its kind in which a large number of youths have participated from across the province.