FCCI Arranges Technical Course For Kabaddi Officials

FCCI arranges technical course for Kabaddi officials

Kabaddi is the most popular sport of Punjab which not only encourages healthy competition among youths but also plays a key role in promoting rural culture, said Dr Sajjad Arshad, Senior Vice President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI)

FAISALABAD, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Jun, 2024) Kabaddi is the most popular sport of Punjab which not only encourages healthy competition among youths but also plays a key role in promoting rural culture, said Dr Sajjad Arshad, Senior Vice President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI).

Addressing a 2-day technical course for Kabaddi officials organized by the FCCI Standing Committee on sports, he said that it is a game of strength, courage, perseverance and tolerance which has potential to attract big crowds despite the indulgence of youths in mobiles and the internet.

He was critical of successive governments which failed to patronize the game and said that the FCCI was making strenuous efforts to keep alive this cultural sport at the local, regional and international level.

He also underlined the role of Kabaddi officials in the sponsorship of this game and said that the refresher course would help promote the game on scientific lines.

He also stressed the need to support Kabaddi players and said that they must be offered maximum jobs in government departments.

Prof Ghulam Muhammad Chattha delivered a lecture on ethics and justice while Muzammil Hussain spoke on the rescue of players.

Similarly, Abdul Hakeem elucidated the history of Kabaddi while Syed Muhammad Tayyab Gillani explained in detail the rules of the game.

Kabaddi officials from all over Punjab participated in the course while Rana Sikandar Azam Khan, former President FCCI, Syed Shafique Hussain Shah, executive member, Shabbir Sindhu, convener standing committee, and Tanvir Tarar advocate assured full cooperation for the encouragement of Kabaddi.

Rana Sikandar Azam also urged the business community to get FCCI membership.