Salman Butt Removed As PCB Consultant A Day After Appointment

Salman Butt removed as PCB consultant a day after appointment

Chief Selector Wahab Riaz sacked the newly inducted consultant member of the PCB Selection Committee of the national Men’s cricket team former captain Salman Butt in the face of allegations of nepotism

LAHORE, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Dec, 2023) Chief Selector Wahab Riaz sacked the newly inducted consultant member of the PCB Selection Committee of the national Men’s cricket team former captain Salman Butt in the face of allegations of nepotism.

Speaking at a press conference at the PCB headquarters Gaddafi Stadium here on Saturday, he informed the media of his decision to remove Salman Butt from the consultancy of the PCB Selection Committee position, adding that Salman Butt was close friend and did not want the PCB to face criticism for his sake.

“I don’t want PCB to be embroiled in any controversy so I have decided to withdraw appointment of fromer captain Salman Butt as consultant member national Men’s selection committee,” he responded, adding it was his sole decision, as Chief Selector, to hire Butt’s services since he is one of the shrewdest cricketing minds around.

Wahab furtehr said the former captain Salman Butt had not officially joined PCB and his appointment was under consideration, adding that Salman Butt did not have any say in the selection of the Men’s cricket team for the Australia tour.

When asked, Wahab Riaz said Salman Butt’s appointment was purely made on merit, acknowledging Salman Butt was a close freind with whom he had played his cricket as a youth.

Dispelling the impression he took the decision under coersion, he said allegations of nepotism by some media-houses and you-tubers prompted him to remove Salman Butt in teh larger interest of the PCB and clear his name from allegations of nepotism.

He informed the media that middle order batsman Asad Shafique will replace Salman Butt as consultant member of the selection committe and join his duties on January 1, 2024.