1 Dead, 21 'unaccounted For' In S. Korea Battery Plant Fire

1 dead, 21 'unaccounted for' in S. Korea battery plant fire

Seoul, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jun, 2024) A major fire broke out at a South Korean lithium battery factory on Monday, authorities said, with one person confirmed dead and 21 others unaccounted for as the blaze continued to rage.

The lithium battery plant is owned by Aricell, a South Korean Primary battery manufacturer. It is located in Hwaseong, just south of the capital Seoul.

"We are still unable to go inside and carry out rescue operation. We will carry it out once we get the fire under control," fire fighter Kim Jin-young told media.

"Twenty-one workers are unaccounted for now. We are planning to track their whereabouts with their contacts provided from the company," Kim added.

"It is estimated that 67 people were working at the factory today, but the exact number of workers has not been determined," he said.

One person was killed, and another had sustained serious burns, he added.

Factory workers described an explosion in one battery cell on the second floor, followed by a series of explosions, Kim said.

The building had an estimated 35,000 battery cells on the second floor in storage, with more batteries stored in other areas.

Lithium batteries burn hot and fast, and are difficult to control with conventional fire extinguishing methods.

"Due to fears of additional explosion it is difficult to enter," Kim said.

"As it is a lithium battery manufacturer, we determined that spraying water will not extinguish the fire, so we are currently using dry sand," he added.

Lithium batteries are used in everything from laptops to electric vehicles -- but can be highly explosive, with airlines, for example, imposing strict regulations on checking devices containing them.