China's Wang Yi Says Changing Global Situation Not To Affect Strong Relations With Russia

China's Wang Yi Says Changing Global Situation Not to Affect Strong Relations With Russia

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 21st February, 2023) Sino-Russian relations are as strong as ever and will withstand any challenge that may come up on the international arena, China's Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission Wang Yi said on Tuesday.

"The Sino-Russian relations are mature and strong as a rock, and will withstand the test of the changing international situation," Wang said during a meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev in Moscow.

Wang noted that the two countries have had very good opportunities to continue strategic interaction and protect mutual strategic interests.

The diplomat also said he fully shared the high assessment of the state of strategic cooperation between China and Russia, as expressed by Patrushev.

"We are ready, together with the Russian side... to decisively defend national interests and dignity, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas," Wang added.

Earlier in the day, Patrushev said that relations between Russia and China were not subject to external conditions.

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