Contender Blakely Out Of US Olympic Gymnastics Trials With Ruptured Achilles


Contender Blakely out of US Olympic gymnastics trials with ruptured Achilles

Minneapolis, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Jun, 2024) Skye Blakely, a two-time team world champion expected to contend for a Paris berth at the US Olympic gymnastics trials, withdrew Thursday with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

The 19-year-old from Texas was injured in training at the Target Center trials venue on Wednesday and withdrew on Thursday morning.

She posted a statement on X -- formerly Twitter -- on Thursday evening, shortly before the trials began with men's competition -- exactly one month before the start of gymnastics competition in Paris.

"Unfortunately I ruptured my achilles during podium training," Blakely wrote. "This is not the way I saw my olympic trials going or how my season ends.

"I'm going to keep my chin high and be proud of the statement I have made for myself these past couple years. I'll be back".