Eastern Libya Envoy Resigns To Avoid Conflict Of Interest Amid Talks, Future Elections

Eastern Libya Envoy Resigns to Avoid Conflict of Interest Amid Talks, Future Elections

Aref Ali Nayed, an envoy for Libya's eastern-based government has tendered his resignation to avoid a conflict of interest amid the ongoing intra-Libyan talks and focus on preparation for the upcoming election in the country

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 22nd September, 2020) Aref Ali Nayed, an envoy for Libya's eastern-based government has tendered his resignation to avoid a conflict of interest amid the ongoing intra-Libyan talks and focus on preparation for the upcoming election in the country.

"While I thank your Excellency for your confidence, I submit my resignation from my capacity as the diplomatic envoy for the following reasons: to prevent, unequivocally, any confusion or conflict of interests with regard to the participation of the chair and members of Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya) Bloc in the various Libyan political and social dialogues ... In Ihya Libya Bloc, we need to focus on catering for and training the young people who work with us and plan to run for the upcoming municipal and parliamentary elections ... the need of urgent preparation for the direct presidential elections, which we consider the ideal and necessary solution to the chronic legitimacies and extensions crisis in Libya," Nayed wrote in a resignation letter, obtained by Sputnik.

Nayed was appointed as the envoy of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives to the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the African Union in July. Prior to the latest escalation in Libya, he announced his intent to run for president in elections then slated for December 2018.

Since the onset of Libya's political disarray in 2011, the oil-rich country was practically split into a duopoly. The internationally-recognized Government of National Accord has established itself as the power pole in the country's west with headquarters in Tripoli, while the rival House of Representatives and the Libyan National Army took control over the east with the center in Tobruk.