NWC Distributes Over 45mln Cubic Meters Of Water During Hajj 1445 AH

NWC distributes over 45mln cubic meters of Water during Hajj 1445 AH

ISLAMABAD, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Jun, 2024) The Saudi National Water Company (NWC) successfully distributed over 45 million cubic meters of water to pilgrims across the holy sites during the Hajj season 1445 AH.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported that over 2,000 highly qualified national staff ensured smooth water distribution, with the company noting no disruptions to its water management services in Makkah city and the holy sites.

To ensure the high quality of water for pilgrims, the NWC conducted over 75,000 laboratory tests during the Hajj season.