Türkiye’s New Satellites To Enable Observation From Anywhere, Any Time


Türkiye’s new satellites to enable observation from anywhere, any time

Türkiye’s newly approved satellites, “Imece-2” and “Imece-3”, will widen the country’s satellite imaging capabilities, allowing for observation from anywhere, any time

ANKARA, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jun, 2024) Türkiye’s newly approved satellites, “Imece-2” and “Imece-3”, will widen the country’s satellite imaging capabilities, allowing for observation from anywhere, any time.

Hasan Mandal, president of Türkiye’s Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), told Anadolu that the new observation satellites “Imece-2” and “Imece-3” will be operational in 2027 and 2028, respectively.

Mandal stated that the new satellites will benefit security and intelligence efforts of Türkiye, allowing high-resolution satellite imaging, boasting twice the resolution of the “Imece-1.”

He noted that after the launch of Turksat 6A, the country’s first indigenous communications satellite, efforts need to be continued in the field of satellites.

“The government needs to be more active in the regulation, arrangement, determining, and guidance of the satellite sector, as much of them are built by the private sector instead of the public sector,” said Mandal.

In the world of 5G, and even 6G, Mandal underlined that communication at large has advanced, requiring it to be carried via small satellites, for which the private sector is needed most.

“Türkiye is in the top 10 in communications and observation satellites,” he said.

Mandal added that the infrastructure built by the space division of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAS) boasts facilities and capabilities seen in only a few countries.

“Türkiye has so far met its own needs in satellites, and our competence should be utilized to generate a foreign Currency inflow; the next goal now is to be able to export satellite services, as we are in a position to build our own satellites,” said Mandal.